Nail Game Strong

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I got my nails done with a brilliant and efficient technician yesterday. Now extremely popular in Durban – Acrylic Game. Depending on her schedule, she may be able to do your nails in your comfy home. Its especially great if you’re as lazy as me and refuse to leave the house. Theola did my nails in an hour, while chatting as though we’ve known each other forever! Her work is trendy, affordable and great quality. She can totes make your nails look like Kylie Jenner’s. I’m so obsessed with mine!

You can fid her details on her Instagram account –

The Truth About Retail With A Touch of Feminism

Processed with Moldiv

Hello! Long time, how ya doing? …I know – I am the worst and most inconsistent blogger ever. Bear with me folks. I’m just doing me. I haven’t been busy or anything, I’m literally just a normal female trying to make that moola. I cannot relate to bloggers who post outfit of the days everyday and beauty advice etc. Where do you find the time? So I’m just gonna write whenever I feel like and whenever I’m inspired.

So I just got my first real real job. Well, my previous job was real, it’s just that I pretended to do work all day and I got away with it. Since I’m being honest – I was, I wouldn’t say the worst employee, maybe we can call it demotivated. I think I just took it for granted that it was a retail job.  I had the worst experience ever with my national visual manager at ahforevernewahem. This lady was awful, pure evil. A bitch that walked on two legs, her bark sounded like actual words and every single one of them were awful!!!! The first and last time we met was the first time I had ever wished someone dead. I feel like she had watched The September Issue one too many times and she had started to believe that she was Anna Wintour. I had only been working at this store for three months and my regional manager had conveniently resigned and left two days before the store visit. And OMW how weird that every single thing that she had taught me was wrong??!!

Anna Wintour strolls in and immediately starts biting my head off. You know when someone asks you a rhetorical question and actually expects you to answer. I think the term is condescending. She had decided that my reasoning was unacceptable before I had even explained it to her??!! You asked me why and I just told you why. WHATEVEN? This lady ripped me to shreds.When I asked her a question she would LITERALLY look at me and walk away. She was blatantly rude to me and nauseatingly nice to everyone else. Can you say vendetta?  I’m not going to deny that the slag broke my spirit but I did not quit – I just found better because I god damn deserve better! I am too talented and skilled to be spoken to like a peasant or the help. In other words I have self-respect, I know my worth.

Retail is possibly the worst environment to work in. Out of the 9 females employed at the store, 5 of us have degrees, and really good ones. This is excluding management (also my manager could not type a professionally worded email, I had to do it). Yet we were treated as if we were uneducated idiots. We were spoken to badly in front of customers and constantly judged on our body shape and the way we dressed. For a store that caters to females, the attitude and team spirit did not consist of self-respect or feminism. Instead of uplifting one another, the managers tore us apart. For example, when I had told my manager that I had gotten a better a job – a job that leans toward my ultimate career goal – there was not a hint of excitement or sincerity in her “joy”. It sounded more like jealousy to me. This other time one of the ladies returned from maternity leave and the operations manager walked into the store and told her that she had too much cellulite and this came from a lady who is plus size.

My experience at this company was an eye opener. Having gone to an all girls’ school, I’ve been socialised and trained to uplift, encourage and stand by my sisters. Working in a hostile environment pushed me to be better and do better. The day after that terrible store visit I called one of my mates in recruitment and she had hooked me up with an interview the following week and I got the job. I learned that it is vital as women to stick together and not pull each other down. Yes, we are all trying to get to the top, but it is completely unnecessary to trample on each other’s faces while doing so. Not every job may be a walk in the park. My new job may be worse than the old or it may be a million times better. That’s a risk I am willing to take. I believe that working in retail can prepare you for most obstacles that you may face in life. It teaches you patience, tolerance, good communication, tact, great money counting skills and most importantly it teaches you how to deal with fellow human beings and that we all have to start somewhere.

As I come to a close I would like to offer you a few shopping tips (mainly for women).

  1. Sales assistants are not psychic. “Do you think I’m a size 8 or 10?” is not a valid question, especially when you and I both know that you are in actual fact a size 12. You are spending good and hard earned money on a garment JUST TRY THE DAMN THING ON.
  2. Do not ask “is it made in China?” What do you think smartypants.
  3. 99.9% of the time a garment will have a price tag attached to it. Asking me “how much is this?” is not going to magically decrease that “R999”. You have eyes (I hope) use them and read you lazy shit.
  4. Don’t make her follow you around the store assisting you if you have no intention on buying anything.
  5. If you are a size 10, DO NOT try and squeeze your double D’s into a size 6. Have you no shame? You broke the zipper!!??
  6. Just because you are dropping major deniro it does not make you better than the young girl helping you. You don’t know that she might have her masters in psychology and this job is just temporary.
  7. Don’t try on 20 items and buy nothing. I know for a fact that clothing speaks to us, if you’re meant to own it, it will literally be like “buy me, you need me”
  8. If you’re meant to return it in ten days then do so.
  9. If you’ve put on weight, do not even try to return a dress and say that it shrunk. Eat less.
  10. Sales assistants know that their job is to help you, they are also aware that you as the customer are always right BUT you also know that you are being absolutely and unbearably ridiculous. Your every wish is not always their command. You need to chill.
  11. Be nice to people who work in retail, they deal with difficult people all day every day, standing on their feet for almost 10 hours and being spoken to badly constantly.

How Much Does My Life Really Suck?


Some of you have ACTUALLY been wondering why I haven’t blogged. Well, to be honest its because I am a self-centred brat who thinks her life sucks more than anyone else’s. My life is being a basic bitch to me and I’m gonna tell on!!! However I have decided that I’m gonna start being more real with myself, I owe it to me. My life is not as shit as I think. Firstly, I hate my job.

Reasons why I hate my job:

  • I’m a visual merchandiser. This job isn’t as nice as it sounds. It basically means I am a slave to retail.
  • I’m asked to rotate stock everyday
  • People are dumb
  • People smell
  • People have smelly breath
  • I don’t make enough money
  • No one even notices the changed I make. Customers don’t give a damn crap
  • I have a degree but I work in retail
  • I have to deal with thee DUMBEST people on a daily basis. JUST KEEP YOUR GOD DAMNED RECEIPT!!!!
  • I work 10 hours
  • I’m on my feet for 10 hours
  • I deal with stupid people
  • I deal with idiots
  • I deal with stupid stupid people

Its lame I hate it. I get a staff discount. That’s great, really great.

Also, I just got my license after trying to get it 4-5 times (I’ve lost count). That’s also really exciting, except I do not possess a motor vehicle – that sucks. So I started budgeting. Trying to figure out how much to save – to buy my own car cause my parents don’t love me enough to buy me one – is annoying when my salary is as basic as a basic bitch. After saving I will then become a hobo. Not a hobo literally, duh. Just a hobo in terms of not being able to go for day time lunches and weekly dinners. I won’t be able to splurge on another MAC lipstick just because I want to buy something.

By now you’re probably thinking “spoilt, ungrateful brat!”. You’re wrong. I am not spoiled or ungrateful. I have been accustomed to a certain type of lifestyle, so I am conditioned to maintain that certain type of lifestyle. I am very grateful for my job (that I hate) and I am very grateful for the clothes on my back. BUT life is shitty. I can’t find a real job because I don’t have experience at a real job. Logic or naaaah??? So, instead of using my free time to blog and pretend my life is totes amazeballs, I use it to apply for jobs – from which I have received ZERO responses. I brainstorm ideas and get rich quick schemes. I sleep. I massage my own feet.

I know. My life isn’t as sucky as I think. However, it does suck according to my standard of what an average person’s life should be like and I’m not average AND NEITHER ARE YOU!

I really do wanna blog more. Tell me what you would like to read about?? Rants? Retail stories? OOTD Posts? or Naaaah???

Please leave me a comment 🙂 Have a lovely weekend folks. I’ll be working. Don’t hesitate to visit me at my job that I hate.

Being a grown up is shitty and I hate it

As a child I always fantasized about what my life would be like as an adult. (Reality sucks in comparison) My fantasies were heavily influenced by sitcoms like Friends and Will and Grace. I would be young, successful and independent. My boyfriend and I would have an apartment in the city and I would wear pant suits (it was the 90’s) to my very important job and we would drink cocktails at night or hang out at the coffee shop with all our friends. OKAY firstly, there are no coffee shops such as “Central Perk” in Durban or maybe anywhere? AND there is no Gunther!

The reality is: I’m sitting in my mismatched jams watching My Girl (saddest ever) while sitting next to my empty plate which once held a piece of milktart which was very recently consumed, typing this blog post, because my life is so not Carrie Bradshaw circa Sex and The City. Instead I serve asshole customers 75% of the time while on my feet for 10 hours a day.  I have a degree, but my job is merchandising a “high end” fashion store (which is fun) as well as convincing people to buy over priced clothes that they hardly ever like (which effing sucks). Being an adult sucks, a lot. The saddest part is that there is no opt out, you just have to do it. You have to work and you have to make money to survive. There’s no option that includes just living off Bear Grylls survival techniques where the death rate is extremely low.

Adulthood sucks because:

  1. EVERYTHING is expensive
  2. It is extremely difficult to get a job straight out of college
  3. You are obligated to ACT like an adult 99.9% of the time
  4. You gain weight faster
  5. Your parents expect you to pay for stuff
  6. You have to pay bills
  7. You have to consider other people’s feelings
  8. It’s not okay to just cry
  9. It is definitely not okay to kick people in the shin
  10. Honesty isn’t always the best policy (it isn’t okay to ask a fat person when they’re having their baby while seeming cutely innocent)
  11. The child within you is slowly tortured and killed by the system
  12. Your creativity is mocked behind your back whereas when you’re a child everyone thinks your art “is just darling”
  13. You have to listen to people’s opinions
  14. You have to have an opinion
  15. You hardly reach your goals or goal weight for that matter
  16. You DON’T get everything you want, EVER
  17. Sometimes you just have to take that retail job because you aren’t FUCKIN LUCKY ENOUGH TO GET INTO A GRADUATE PROGRAM BECAUSE FUCCCCKKKK
  18. Everyone sucks.

Thanks for reading this rant and know that you are not alone.

Shortbread yum!!


The festive season is fast approaching and I’ve been really bored. So, I tried this new shortbread recipe and its super duper easy. It took me approximately 30 minutes to prepare minus baking time.

You will only need three ingredients :

100g Margarine

50g Castor Sugar

150g Plain Flour

Cream the margarine and sugar until the mixture is pale and smooth. Gradually mix in the flour and knead until you have a soft dough.

I rolled the dough into a log (gently) and put it into the freezer for 5 minutes before I cut 1cm slices out of it. Place them flat on a tray and bake at 160C for 10-15 minutes. Sprinkle with castor sugar immediately after you take them out the oven. 🙂


I think this is a Nigella recipe but I can’t be certain.

Enjoy xxx

I’m back …. holler!!


Hey guys, I know it’s been awhile, but I’ve had a rough few weeks. Rough times aid in making new discoveries about life. I have realized that as knowledgeable as I think I may be , I am still a tad bit naïve.  I’ve just completed my degree and was given the opportunity to work immediately after I had finished my exams. I wasn’t about to let this opportunity go so I did not hesitate to say yes. I mean, fashion coordinator at a major international clothing brand is something to be excited about.

However, I was sadly disappointed on arrival. I expected a certain level of respect from my employers.  I had unfortunately received none. I will refrain from going into detail because I don’t have any intention of tainting a brand which I’m sure you are all so fond of.

What my experience taught me is that the real (working) world is a shit place. No one cares about where your next meal is coming from, or the blisters on your feet. You’re just there to make money for a big corporation and that’s all that matters to “them”. What I took away from my bad experience is most important. I learnt that I and my skills are worth more than I thought I did. I learnt not to settle for less than what I deserve. Based on my decision, some people may perceive me to be a quitter or weak but I don’t really give a shit ‘cause I believe in myself more than I believe in anything. This is a really important quality to have in order to get ahead.

My fellow graduates of 2015 never be ashamed of your passion, don’t hold back on your expression of it. Dreams are achievable, only self-doubt makes them seem impossible.

The Best and Easiest Peanut Butter Cookies!


Last week I had a craving for something sweet but also kinda savoury. I found this recipe for peanut butter cookies on this blog I found called Julia’s Album. (Scroll down for the link) It literally (and I mean literally) took me 20 minutes to make. These cookies have the same texture as a brownie, they are both soft and chewy at the same time.
So here it is:
¼ cup of peanut butter. I used chunky peanut butter, I’m sure you could use either chunky or creamy.
2 Tablespoons unsalted butter, it shouldn’t be melted. Just soft enough to able to cream with sugar.
½ cup of brown sugar
1 egg
½ teaspoon of vanilla essence
¾ cup all purpose flour, sifted
½ teaspoon baking powder
2 Tablespoons granulated sugar for coating
Preheat your oven at 175 degrees.
Beat the sugar and butter until it is creamy, then add peanut butter and cream it further. I didn’t spend too much time on this. Add the egg and vanilla essence and beat it until you see that it is not curdling.
Add the dry ingredients (Flour, baking powder) and beat on a low speed.
Line your baking tray with nonstick baking paper. Roll spoonfuls of the mixture into balls. Coat the balls in the granulated sugar.
Place the balls 6cm apart to avoid them sticking to each other (although they don’t spread much)
Bake for 12 minutes.
Leave to cool before serving.

Enjoy and let me know how it goes.


Who run this mutha’? Girls!


Good day readers, followers and lurkers!

With it being Friday, you must be expecting a rant or some sort of hate speech, but not today. This is a tribute to women (with it being woman’s month). Women who have changed the world and made it a lot more comfortable and fun for us to live in. This is for the women who were able to find their voice in a time when we were not allowed to have one. (It is a bit long, push through!)

This is for you, Queen Elizabeth I, Marie Curie, Diana Princess of Wales, Joan of Arc, Emmeline Pankhurst, Benazir Bhutto, Oprah, Jane Austen, Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, Diana Vreeland, Coco Chanel, Cleopatra, Florence Nightingale, Anne Frank, single moms, women who have been cheated on, homemakers, mothers, police women, teachers, politicians, domestic workers, nannies and activists. This is for my mother, my grandmother, my aunties, my cousins, my nieces and my besties. This is for all women. (If you have no idea who some of these women are then you should do some research)

This is most especially for Leila Djabali, an activist who was imprisoned during the Algerian Revolution; she was raped and abused verbally and physically. She inspired me to write this and be a little feminist; as well as the 20 000 women who marched to the Union Buildings on the 9th of August in 1956.

All these women have something in common; they have encouraged us to develop a community of confident and radical women. I am so grateful for these women. Each of them went on difficult and devastating journeys so that we could have rights, have a voice and be free. Over hundreds of years, women have made tremendous progress; we have evolved from a submissive bunch of fools who were obsessed with marriage and status to a new and strong breed of women who are able to depend solely upon ourselves.

It is essential for us to stand up for what we believe in. Whether it may be trivial or something of severe significance; it is of great importance. We carry life, give life, nurture, and raise and love endlessly. So as a collective group of social beings, what we consider as imperative in terms of our social growth is of extreme importance to society as a whole.

Time has changed the way things work a great deal, but life hasn’t improved for all women. This is the reason why we need to unite. We all have a sense of masculinity within us, we must own it and empower society. (It is perfectly okay to display a sense of masculinity, but it doesn’t mean that we should behave like men) We may have more rights than we ever did, but we are oppressed daily. We are oppressed by stereotypes; that we are not strong enough, bold enough or brave enough; that we are not capable of having the same success as men. Well, now it is possible. We can do whatever we want. All we have to do is study, be assertive and confident and take what you want from life.

“Feminism signals a refusal of oppression and a commitment to struggling for women’s liberation from all forms of oppression – internal, external, psychological and emotional, socio-economic, political and philosophical” – Amina Mama

Yes, sometimes feminists can take it a step too far. Hairy armpits and legs are completely unacceptable, but I admire them for never ever ever ever conforming to the social expectations of how women should appear or behave. We could judge them all we want, but some of us are not brave or confident enough to do what they do.

There is something I want to say about how we treat ourselves and each other. Self-respect is a term that you should be very familiar with. You should own it. It is vital for your survival in this cold world. Respect. Your. Self. Let us not be “side-chicks” or mistresses. Your heart should be his everything; what he clings to. So, we deserve to be more than an afterthought and a last priority. It is important for us as highly emotional beings to always allow our intellect and intelligence to take precedence over our emotions. I’m sure you’ve realised that our emotions cause us to act irrationally and illogically, leading us to be perceived as psychotic and unattractive. We really need to support each other. We should continually encourage and motivate each other to be better and do better. Let’s stop referring to one another as bitches, skanks and sluts. Stop trying to steal affection from your friend’s boyfriend. Let’s be feminists? But only to the degree where we are self-empowered and independent individuals. Don’t allow anyone to buy your affection. You are capable of buying your own things. Hard work is exhausting, but it feels much better when you are able to support yourself and buy yourself Chanel things.

It is our responsibility to correct the problems that were created by the generations before us. We can only do so by getting an education. I’m pretty sure receiving an education is a basic human right. It may be boring at times, but one of the greatest men who ever lived said something very profound. “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” Yeah, it is much easier said than done, but Nelson Mandela literally turned things around for our nation. We don’t even have to do jail time to make a change. All we need is determination and initiative.

Let’s raise our sons to respect and empower women. Let’s raise smart, strong and independent daughters. Let’s stand up for each other and for what we believe in. Coco Chanel built an empire. Rosa Parks stood up for something when no one else would. Joan of Arc fought in wars with men. We can do great things too; we have more resources than they did. So what’s stopping us? Let’s be Rosa’s, Coco’s and Joan’s. We can be Queens. No woman, teenager, child, or baby should be raped or killed or verbally and physically abused. We’re stronger and better than before. We are living in a daily struggle. We are competing for jobs and pay cheques. We need to dig deep and push everyday, to be seen as more than what stereotypes have made us.

Ps. Be great, do great things, believe in yourself always.

In the words of Beyoncé:
“Some of them men think they freak this like we do
But no they don’t
Make your check come at their neck
Disrespect us no they won’t!
Who run the world? GIRLS!”

(Mom if you’re reading this, thank you for giving me an education, I’m gonna change the world.)